Scroll Bar Style and Validation

I noticed that I can not validate my stylesheet for scroll bars because the 
validator does not recognize styles for scrollbar colors, yet there is a 
tutorial on the w3 site itself on just how to do them, yet they don't 
validate themself.

Is there a bug in the validator, or has there at some point been a reason to 
remove these from valid stylesheets based on a newer set of standards? Most 
people say that scrollbar colors only apply to Internet Explorer, but Opera 
does support scrollbar colors as well, and I find it reasonable to have 
custom colored scrollbar on a site for the pupose of layout and design 

I am just curious as to where the standard is in its current form, as there 
are plenty of sites with tutorials on how to change scrollbar color, yet 
they do not seem to validate on any site I have looked at and I would like 
to make my site 100% validated. 

Received on Monday, 29 June 2009 11:52:11 UTC