nth-of-type unknown

When validating CSS using the :nth-of-type pseudo-class, the validator
flags it as an error with "Unknown pseudo-element or pseudo-class
:nth-of-type".  Of course, as can be seen at the following link, this is
a valid CSS Level 3 pseudo-class (and a very useful one at that):
Since it is in the standard and there are several browsers that support
this pseudo-class, I think the validator should be updated to recognize
it.  It does have a "CSS Level 3" profile, after all.

Also on that topic, when the "CSS Level 3" profile is selected and the
warning level is set to "All", warnings appear on blocks that explicitly
define background-color and color that state "You have no color set (or
color is set to transparent) but you have set a background-color. Make
sure that cascading of colors keeps the text reasonably legible."  In
this example, which produces the message, the warning is obvious erroneous:
color: black;
background-color: white;
This one seems to be an out-right bug, rather than just needing to be
updated like the nth-of-type error.  I think this should also be fixed.

If I have not sufficiently explained myself or if you have any further
questions for me, let me know.

- Keith

Received on Wednesday, 17 June 2009 08:35:30 UTC