Re: bug report

On Thu, 1 Mar 2007, Brian Rosmaita wrote:

> I don't see this one in the bug list.

I guess that's because it's defined as a feature, so it cannot be a bug. 

> I believe it validated as recently (!) as March 2006,
> but is now reported as illegal.

That's because the "W3C CSS Validator" changed the default version (or 
"profile" as they call it) of CSS to use in the checking from CSS 2.0, the 
W3C Recommendation, to CSS 2.1, the mutable draft. The wisdom in this 
mad^H^H^Hoddity is that CSS 2.1 is closer to what browsers actually eat.

You can still use the CSS 2.0 "profile", but you must explicitly select it 
in the user interface.

>    caption-side: left;
>    margin-left: -8em;
>    width: 8em;
>    text-align: right;
>    vertical-align: bottom
> }

I don't think any browser supports the value left for caption-side, and 
this is basically why it was dropped from CSS 2.1. And I don't think you 
can simulate it quite the way you are trying to, but that's a different 

Jukka "Yucca" Korpela,

Received on Thursday, 1 March 2007 22:04:41 UTC