Re: Local Install Problem

Hi Shem,

On Jan 17, 2007, at 10:11 , Shem Page wrote:

> I'm having troubles with the css-validator install.
> I've installed tomcat 5.5 and their servlet examples work fine.
> If I simply use the supplied css-validator.jar package from the  
> download
> page can copy things to the webapps dir of tomcat, executing a check
> from css-validator/validator.html simply spits back
> #!/usr/local/bin/zsh
> -f umask 002 PACKAGE=org.w3c.css.css
> # CLASSPATH=/u/crash/0/w3c/plehegar/www430/

I think you forgot to copy the web.xml file to WEB-INF. This is the  
configuration file that tells tomcat to execute the servlet code.

> IF I try the complete build process as described by
> my build fails with
> many warnings and a few errors which I'll add below.

Compilation errors when building the validator are not a good sign.
But even if you use the .jar given in the download page, you still  
have to do the following steps:

* copy the web.xml file into webapps/css-validator/WEB-INF
* get the prerequisite libraries (.jar) and copy them to one location  
where tomcat will be looking for them (either webapps/css-validator/ 
WEB-INF/lib/ or common/lib)

hopefully that will work. Tell us how it goes.


Received on Thursday, 18 January 2007 02:00:02 UTC