Re: :last-child pseudo element


> There is no way to specify which version of CSS your stylesheet is
> following.
> I have seen a lot of discussion on the matter, and suggestions of
> constructs such as "@version 3;" but for now, the general opinion of the
> group building the CSS specifications is that it is not desireable.
> If you feel this is a bad thing hindering your adoption of CSS3, you
> could make your opinion known to the CSS working group by using the
> public mailing-list, where discussions on style sheet
> languages take place.

Thanks for the feedback. I personally don't believe that such a
designation is necessary.

I have now noticed that it is possible to choose the CSS version at the
 front page. I didn't see this before because I was using the link on my website to get to
the validator and this defaulted to CSS 2.1 (this used to work before
the update). A classical EBCAK on my behalf - apologies. I have now
changed the link to and that
works as expected.

It would be ideal if the validator could display the CSS version it
used. Maybe even a list of all the profiles available for re-validation
(similar to the HTML validator), so you could try out which CSS version
your stylesheets validates against.

Thanks again for your time!


Received on Wednesday, 3 January 2007 20:20:03 UTC