- From: Ken Anderson <kanderva@comcast.net>
- Date: Wed, 18 Apr 2007 17:34:37 -0400
- To: <www-validator-css@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <0f1d01c78201$5d738b20$6501a8c0@sinbad>
Dear Sirs: I have been validating my web pages using XHTML 1.0 (Transitional) and CSS 2.1 for at least two years. Everything had been working fine. When W3C made a change months ago to the CSS validator (now displaying a light blue validation box), CSS validation for my sites suddenly ceased to function. I don't mean that my pages do not validate properly. I mean that I simply get "the page cannot be displayed" when I insert any of my website URLs into the validator box: www.tenspider.net, www.tenspider.com, www.vital-statistics.net or any of the other pages on my website. I plug in the URL for a different website (not one of mine) and the validator works just fine. This appears to be a domain issue. It happens whether I go through the CSS button on my website, input manually, or validate another website and then simply substitute my URL. Extremely frustrating. Can you help? (NOTES: My web pages are generated using a PHP-based content management system of my own design. I went to great lengths to insure that the CMS generates valid XHTML and CSS. The suffix for my generated pages is ".html", not ".php". Examples of validation strings I generate with my CMS (that don't work): http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/validator?uri=http://www.tenspider.net%2Findex.html http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/validator?uri=http://www.tenspider.net%2Fpets-animals%2Findex.html Examples of alternate validation strings I have tried unsuccessfully: http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/validator?uri=http://www.tenspider.net http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/validator?uri=http://www.tenspider.com/ http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/validator?uri=http://www.vital-statistics.net/ http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/validator?uri=http://www.tenspider.net/ http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/validator?uri=http://www.tenspider.net/index.html http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/validator?uri=http://www.tenspider.net/pets-animals/index.html Example of a validation string that works: http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/validator?uri=http://www.residual-rewards.com/ Thanks! Sincerely, Kenneth L. Anderson (Ken) President, Ten Spider Enterprises www.tenspider.net (home page) www.tenspider.com Email: kanderva@comcast.net Phone: (856) 691-7045 1671 Hubbard Lane Vineland, New Jersey 08360-1910 The Ten Spider Enterprises website is an information metasite encompassing ten broad theme sets. Established in February of 2003, it now comprises 398 pages of manually-edited information and resource links. It is open for all to read.
Received on Thursday, 19 April 2007 07:02:46 UTC