RE: background-color not validating when it should

I realize it is a warning and not an error. Since it is perfectly valid code
according to the specification, why even raise the warning? Especially when
it's a warning saying "background-color not specified" when it has been. No
warning should be issued under these circumstances.

We code against the XHTML Strict DTD and CSS standards for all of our
end-user interfaces. This warning is the only one we can never be rid of
even though we are following the specifications to the letter.

I believe this warning is invalid and should be removed from the validator
when the background has been specified. The validator does not care how it
looks, just that the CSS is valid, which it is. Therefore I say it's a false
warning that needs to be examined.

Robert Mullaney
Easy Business Services
Phone: 239-242-6691 x 22
-----Original Message-----
From: David Dorward,,, [] On Behalf Of David Dorward
Sent: Friday, November 17, 2006 7:15 PM
To: Robert Mullaney
Subject: Re: background-color not validating when it should

On Fri, Nov 17, 2006 at 10:32:48AM -0500, Robert Mullaney wrote:
>    We have tried using many variants to alleviate this warning but nothing
>    gets by it. The "background-color: transparent" specification should be
>    valid according to

It is valid, you are getting a warning, not an error.

(The warning is because, under some circumstances that are not under
your control, a transparent background can result in the text in the
element being displayed against an unexpected background colour (which
may cause the text to be unreadable due to contrast issues).

David Dorward                            

Received on Saturday, 18 November 2006 13:51:00 UTC