Bug Report: font-size-adjust

On Mon, Dec 18, 2006 at 07:12:01PM +0900, olivier Thereaux wrote:
> The new release gets a lot of bug fixes, has updated support for  
> CSS2.1, uses CSS2.1 as its default validation profile

The font-size-adjust property has been removed for CSS 2.1, which is
resulting in my stylesheet being reported as invalid.



* Before reporting that "Property font-size-adjust doesn't exist :
  none", the validator reports that the value I gave it was an
  "invalid number." Why should it care that "none" (a valid value in
  2.0) is not a number when the property doesn't exist at all in 2.1?

* There is no line break to seperate the two error messages.

* The error message: "Invalid number : font-size-adjust" is
  hyperlinked to the CSS 2.0 specification despite this not being the
  profile that is being used.

David Dorward                                      http://dorward.me.uk

Received on Monday, 18 December 2006 11:03:26 UTC