Re: Attribute order affects validation result

olivier Thereaux wrote:

> The CSS validator is using Xerces for XML parsing.

You're completely missing my point. The CSS Validator only uses Xerces
when it detects an XML namespace declaration. When no namespace
declaration is present or the namespace declaration is preceded by too
many characters, the CSS Validator does not use an XML parser. In the
latter case, it does not accept attribute specifications such as
"xml:space='preserve'", and it does not enforce XML well-formedness
constraints. That's why
incorrectly "validates as CSS", while
correctly tells me to "validate my XML document first". Please note
that both documents contain an XML declaration and a proper XHTML 1.0
Strict document type declaration, so the decision whether to use an
XML parser or not should by quite simple. However, the CSS Validator
seems to rely on namespace declarations only. This behavior should be

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Received on Monday, 21 August 2006 18:28:58 UTC