Re: Attribute order affects validation result

David Dorward wrote:

> Your document is being served as text/html, but isn't a valid
> XHTML 1.0 document that conforms to the Appendix C guidelines.

Spare me the propaganda. It's obvious that this problem is not caused
by violations of validity constraints or Appendix C guidelines, but by
the mere amount of characters that precede the namespace declaration.

still reports an error although the document is now valid and

produces the same result.

In both cases, it seems that the CSS Validator uses an HTML/SGML
parser instead of an XML parser because it can't detect a namespace
declaration. In particular, it ignores both XML declaration and
document type declaration which really doesn't make sense.

<> - XML Schema Validator                    |
<> - XHTML Proxy                             |

Received on Sunday, 20 August 2006 03:31:23 UTC