problem with css validator


Validating one XHTML page with 2 style sheets.

The XHTML validates using the W3C validator, but the CSS validator tells me

"Please, validate your XML document first!

Line 105

Column 76

Element type "img" must be followed by either attribute specifications, ">"
or "/>". "

The error it reports is non-existent, the "img" elt IS followed by attribute
specifications AND then "/>".

Plus the document is not XML but XHTML.

If I validate the style sheets separately by submitting the URLs rather then
submitting the page to the validator, then both style sheets validate.

The XHTML page is here:
The style sheets are here:

I did see that there was a known bug "XML is Validated by XHTML Validator,
but Invalid by CSS Validator"  but it is mared as "fixed" so I thought I'd
let you know anyway.

I hope I managed to explain everything clearly.

Thank you!

Christine Cé

Received on Friday, 7 April 2006 18:46:34 UTC