CSS validator complains for XML but not XHTML validator


I am trying to validate my web pages for both XHTML and CSS.
my home page is : http://www.thogau.net/home.html
I validate XHTML with http://validator.w3.org/check/referer and it is 
Then I validate for CSS with http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator and it 
fails for this reason below(the line 249 in my pages is empty) :

Target: http://www.thogau.net/home.html
Please, validate your XML document first!
Line 249
Column 30
Element type "a" must be followed by either attribute specifications, 
">" or "/>".

Has anybody an idea what is wrong or how to get more information about 
the cause of this error?


Thomas Gaudin -- http://www.thogau.net

Received on Sunday, 18 September 2005 09:04:33 UTC