Re: german css validation message - umlauts are not encoded

I mentioned this exactly about 3 or 4 weeks ago under "Error in the German translation". This was the answer by Olivier Thereaux (also viewable in the mailing list history on

Hello Manuel,

On Sat, May 14, 2005, Manuel Strehl wrote:

>> It is very nice, that the answer is in German, 
>> like the lang-attribute on my page was telling. 

Actually, the results are in german because your browser is set up to
prefer german among the various languages the CSS validator supports,
but I digress from the ponit of your message.

>> But the provided text on the validator page contains spelling mistakes
>> so that all german umlauts are delivered as "?". I looked up the
>> source code and either it is really wrong in the text (maybe because
>> of bad copy & paste) or there is a mistake in server side handling of
>> the charakters.

I believe the cause of the problem is a discrepancy in the encodings
used. I remember Yves worked on this a while ago, and I will check with
him. In the meantime, since I recall that part of the solution was to
recode the properties files in utf-8, I have done so for the properties
in german (in CVS, not yet on the validation service), and will followup
on the general encoding issue.

Thanks for your patience.

---Hopefully they fix this bug.


Received on Sunday, 19 June 2005 19:41:23 UTC