

I don't see why the CSS part of my test page (specified inside the head tag)
does not validate. I have pasted that part into the text box of the CSS Validator.

I have replaced every "smaller than"/"greater than" sign with ( and ), and every
curly bracket with (( and )). I recall earlier experiences where HTML sent by
email would not be displayed.

The first error I get is 

Parse error - Unrecognized: (style type="text/css")  (!-- body (( alignment:
center; ))

(this is displayed whether or not I have the actual specifications inside
comment tags) and after that I'm "encouraged to offer a generic family as a last
alternative." I know what that means, but unfortunately I have forgotten how to
specify more than one font-family.

I would highly appreciate responses, since I would really like to be able to
produce correct CSS.

Best Regards,
Anu Blom

Received on Tuesday, 14 September 2004 07:10:06 UTC