CSS Validator

I have a couple of real quick questions regarding the CSS Validator...


I have downloaded the software and wanted to run it in a command prompt.
In following the procedure detailed on
content-type=text/plain , I have followed these to the letter and keep
getting the following error.



Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:


Any Idea why this is happening would be helpful




(see below)



The simplest way is the following: 

1.	Get a Java interpreter and install it. As of Jigsaw, Java
version 1.1 is required. You can get Sun's Java intepreter for free
from: http://www.javasoft.com 
2.	Set your CLASSPATH environment variable in order to include
validator's classes. To do this: 

On Windows 

set CLASSPATH=<instdir>\validator.zip 


export CLASSPATH=<instdir>/validator.zip 

Where <instdir> should be substitued with the absolute path of the
directory in which you unpacked validator. 

3.	Check that your PATH setting allow you to run the Java
interpreter. This will usually be the case if you have installed Sun's
4.	Run the validator: 

java org.w3c.css.css.StyleSheetCom <your-file-or-URI> 

If you launch the validator with no arguments, it gives you all
available arguments on command line. Here is some examples : 

java org.w3c.css.css.StyleSheetCom http://www.w3.org/
java org.w3c.css.css.StyleSheetCom


Dave Ulm | Microsoft Corporation | Xbox.com/Live
Office: +1.425.703.2964 Mobile: +1.206.714.8873 Fax: +1.425.936.7329 
Email: davidulm@microsoft.com   Messenger:  dcdulm@msn.com


Received on Tuesday, 12 October 2004 17:04:11 UTC