Re: No Errors or Warning but no css button either

On Feb 18, 2004, at 11:59, olivier Thereaux wrote:

> Raymond,
> On Feb 17, 2004, at 23:05, Raymond Synold wrote:
>> I do not know if this is a bug or if I am missing some piece of 
>> information, but when I submit my .css file for validation it says:
>> No error or warning found
>> But does not give the button saying that the css is correct.
> Can you give us the address for that page/stylesheet you are 
> validating, so that we can test?

Raymond replied privately and told me that he was using validation by 

As far as I know only the validation-by-URI says "congratulations, 
valid", and gives the badge but in the other interfaces if the css 
validator says there's no error or warning, then the style sheet is 

I can imagine a few potential reasons why the interfaces would behave 
differently, e.g "no point in including some HTML code if the style 
sheet is not online", or the fact that validating snippets of CSS in 
the text area interface is not validating a "full style sheet", but I 
do not know the actual motivation behind this, if any...


Received on Tuesday, 17 February 2004 23:04:27 UTC