Re: How is the validator present it's self

On Wed, 2004-04-21 at 01:12, haijak wrote:
> On my site much of the page is generated by PHP. I do provide different 
> CSS to different agents (not uncommon).
> I assume the online validater returns nothing, because it won't pass my 
> agent validation.

So you don't provide a default style sheet?

> So my question is what user agent identification string does your 
> validater give to the web server.

That's simple enough to check - just fire it at your server and look in
your log files. - - [21/Apr/2004:07:11:56 +0100] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 3237
"-" "Jigsaw/2.2.3 W3C_CSS_Validator_JFouffa/2.0" 0

Thus: Jigsaw/2.2.3 W3C_CSS_Validator_JFouffa/2.0

David Dorward       <>   <>

Received on Wednesday, 21 April 2004 02:27:20 UTC