Re: CSS2.1 :lang

2003-10-16T18:11:09Z Chris Lilley <> wrote:

> On Thursday, October 16, 2003, 3:09:41 PM, Bert wrote:

BB>> Tex Texin writes:

>>> Does ':lang()' match elements that have language set to the empty tag?
>>> It might be thought to match all languages, since in the absence of simple
>>> selectors, * is presumed, so it is conceivable that absence of a tag might be
>>> equivalent to all. It might also be deemed to be an error to have no tag inside
>>> the parens.
>>> So the spec should address the issue.

> It would match those that have no language set.

BB>> But making it match elements with no language seems the most useful,
BB>> especially since it parallels RFC 3066.

> I agree, and that is also the definition of xml:lang="".

>>> For the purposes of matching, I wonder if it makes sense to
>>> reference the RFCs at all.

> Yes, it does, because matching is to a hyphen separated token list..

>>> Isn't it really string matching based on strings formatted with hyphen
>>> separators? Does any software verify that the language tag contains
>>> appropriately registered codes or uses ISO codes? Should it be an error, or
>>> perhaps the rule ignored, if a CSS document specifies  :lang(k9) since k9 is
>>> not an offical language code or a properly formatted private code.

> No, it just means that it probably does not match anything since
> nothing has that lang code.

BB>> I like that suggestion: it removes a dependency.

> I don't see the value of removing that dependency.

BB>> The definition of the "|=" operator is already generic.

> Yes.

BB>> It only
BB>> requires a UA to split a string value at every "-" and doesn't require
BB>> the string to be a valid language. The ':lang()' refers to that
BB>> definition and could be made generic as well,

> It could. But how would that help?

BB>> e.g.:

BB>> Current text in 5.11.4:

BB>>     The pseudo-class ':lang(C)' matches if the element is in language
BB>>     C. Here C is a language code as specified in HTML 4.0 [HTML40] and
BB>>     RFC 1766 [RFC1766]. It is matched the same way as for the '|='
BB>>     operator.

BB>> Proposed:

BB>>     The pseudo-class ':lang(C)' matches if the element is in language
BB>>     C. CSS doesn't define what are valid language names and the string
BB>>     C doesn't have to be a valid language name in the source document.
BB>>     It is matched the same way as for the '|=' operator.

BB>> And in 5.8.1, in the informative reference to RFC 1766, "1766" is
BB>> replaced by "3066."

> I agree that CSS should not be required to know whether language tags
> have been registered or not.

It would however be nice if the CSS Validator throwed warnings in case
of encountering the unregistered tags.

  Alexander "Croll" Savenkov                                   

Received on Thursday, 23 October 2003 13:57:56 UTC