css validator

[note: first received in jigsaw list, then bounced to www-validator,  
and finally bounced here where it belongs -- olivier, www-validator  
maintainer ]

dear Jigsaw Team,

first of all, i do not know if this is the right place for this mail,  
if it isn't, i'm sorry.

i'm dutch, and when i open  
crime.net%2F~mainframe%2F in
<- my validated css file, in Iexplore, it only gives me some  
congratulations and the source.
no code to past in my html file, nothing.
and when i open the exact same page in Opera, which i've set to  
english, there's no problem at all, it shows me all i need to
i do not think you are aware of this 'problem', because about half a  
year ago i also validated a css file and it had the same

anyway, i hope you can do something with this.

kind regards,


Received on Monday, 20 January 2003 18:22:28 UTC