Re: caching on css validator

On Wed, 2003-02-12 at 17:12, D. Stimits wrote:
> Perhaps this is a problem with my Apache server, I don't know. What I'm 
> finding is that after updating a CSS external stylesheet and trying to 
> revalidate, that the new elements and changes are not visible in the 
> is apparently caching and not updating. Is there a way 
> to force validation of CSS to clear any cache, or is this strictly an 
> Apache problem? Apache in this case is version 1.3.27-2 as per Redhat 
> 7.3 RPMs.

The CSS Validator send the following two HTTP headers to avoid HTTP

Pragma: no-cache
Cache-Control: no-cache

It does not either keep an internal cache but does the request for each
new validation request. Make sure to force the refresh of the result
page in your navigator (shift+reload should do it).


Received on Thursday, 27 February 2003 16:43:49 UTC