Copyright sign (©)

I have a page which passes the HTML validator but fails the CSS
validator with the following message:

Please, validate your XML document first!
Line 10
Column 7
An invalid XML character (Unicode: 0xa9) was found in the element
content of the document. 

It seems that the HTML validator and the CSS validator have different
views of what is valid XHTML.



The page transforms an XML file
( into XHTML 
with an XSLT stylesheet (
and MSXML 4 and 
displays the result.

The copyright sign is represented in the XML file as a character entity
(© or ©) which 
seems to be regarded by the CSS validator as the copyright sign but by
the HTML validator as the 
character entity.  I don't think I have the tools or the experience do
discover precisely what is 

Changing the XML file to © has the expected bad result.  The
display changes to the 
character entity © instead of the copyright sign.

I have tried a lot of fiddling with the <xsl:output ...> element and
with MSXML (I would appreciate
any advice on best practice) but I am left with the inconsistency
between the two validators.


Robin Rigby

Received on Wednesday, 27 November 2002 10:05:40 UTC