- From: <www-validator-css-request@tux.w3.org>
- Date: Tue, 19 Nov 2002 18:14:37 -0000
- To:
亲爱的朋友: 你好! 有幸能得到你的信息。我们是上海德翎纺织科技有限公司,是在上海注册创办的一 家新型企业,公司尤其在纺织品开发,生产,营销,服务领域有着得天独厚的优势,公 司依托本地高科技,高经济增长,交通便利等条件专业为国有民营纺织产业挖掘市场, 为国内外各地提供纺织品贸易交换消费的良好机会。公司已在浙江,江苏,广东等地开 发了大量纺织品销售供货市场,与日本,欧美等地也有着密切联系。公司已得到了多方 支持,为公司大力发展提供了良好的环境。 当然也希望得到你的帮助和肯定,如果你求购的产品,正是公司现阶段生产销售的 主流产品,我们就有能力帮助你完成采购。如有兴趣的话可以与我司联系,提供你的产 品介绍明细(外观,成分,数量…);也可向我司收取"采购讯单"进行填写;如能进一 步邮寄提供产品样品或图片介绍的那将是最好的选择。公司本着质量第一,适应市场, 灵活经营的企业理念,希望能为你安排最完善的服务! 期待你的回复,和你的第一次合作!你可以通过以下方式与我们取得联系: Hello! Glad to receive your inquiry. We are Shanghai Deling Textile Technology Co., Ltd., which is a modern enterprise registered in Shanghai. We have substantial advantage in the developing, manufacturing, promoting & after-sales servicing providing of textile products. Based on local hi- tech, steady increase of economy & convenient communications, we are dedi -cated both to the market diversification for state owned and/or collective textile industry and to the enhancement of international textile trading possibilities. We've developed plenty of textile products distribution mark -ets, which have a close relationship with Japan, Europe & America, in zhe -jiang province, Jiangsu province and Guangdong province. With the solid support from them, we've created an ever-healthy business environment for further development. Meanwhile, we are also looking forward to your help and confirmation. The product you inquired is just the main product that we are manufacturing and promoting now. We are able to help you to finish your purchasing. You may contact us and submit your product detail introduction (such as product 's appearance, content, quantity, etc.); or you may fill in the "Purchasing Info Form" which you may get from us. It is recommended that you could mail us required product sample or picture to us. Based on the concept of "Quality prioritized; Market oriented & Sales diversified", we are ready to provide be -st service to you! Awaiting your early reply & looking forward to the first cooperation with you. You may reach us through: 电话:0086-021-50330811 联系人:董 先生 QQ:94530479 http://www.eachnet.com/fu/shop/myshop.php?user_id=7108217 在这个网站中公司会不时发布一些零售商品,应该说这些商品都是外贸尾货,价廉 物美,如有需要也可以与我们取得联系与合作,我们会为你建立客户资料,以便我们更 好的为你提供服务! -------------------------------------------- 本邮件系采用“无需SMTP高速邮件发送”软件发送 OICQ号码:114075303 http://EmailSend.126.com --------------------------------------------
Received on Tuesday, 19 November 2002 04:50:21 UTC