Testing the new CSS Validator


I'll test the new CSS Validator in the CSS repository in the next 10
days. As Sijtsche said, it does not reflect the most recent specs but it
gives a pretty good idea. If everything is fine, we'll run the version
on the server after that.
Regarding bug reports, yes I know, we have a few of them to track.
Sijtsche resolved some. So we'll see what needs to be resolved after the
new version is on jigsaw.w3.org. The cross-request results is a bad bug
that needs to be resolved but this one is going to be tricky since I
don't believe that the validator is using "static" inappropriately.
For those who are wondering why I'm not fixing the bugs, the CSS
Validator is pretty low on my priority list in fact and I only fixed
bugs over the week-ends generally if I have the time, and that does not
happen so often. In terms of development, the DOM TS work is higher on
my list and needs more of my time.


Received on Wednesday, 7 August 2002 11:23:29 UTC