Re:doubt about CSS validator

Sridhar Velagapudi <> wrote on 10/24/01 6:07:46 PM:
>My Html fine in which i am using CSS thowing error when i am trying to
>validate it.the error is 
>Parse error - Unrecognized : <HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Dynalivery's
>HtmlOutput</TITLE> <STYLE> A{text-decoration: none} 
>i don't know why this error it is throwing.I don't have any help to solve
>this error.Please help me what is the problem with my code.i am sending the
>3 lines code where it is showing the error
><HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Dynalivery's HtmlOutput</TITLE><STYLE> A{text-decoration:
> .pg{position:absolute;top:0px;left:0px;height:792px;width:612px;}
>28);background -color:transparent;}
>it is showing error at the first line i don't know how to solve this
>problem.please help me.thanks alot in advance.

I don't know if it would cause that problem or not, but you should probably put 
type="text/css" in the STYLE tag, like this (not sure if this will come through 

&lt;style type="text/css"&gt;

/* Style rules here */


Received on Wednesday, 24 October 2001 19:03:58 UTC