- From: (wrong string) Émile Ouellet <ouellet@typhlophile.com>
- Date: Thu, 7 Jun 2001 09:14:18 -0400
- To: <www-validator-css@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <000b01c0ef53$d0378f40$14046e0a@inlb.qc.ca>
W3C CSS Validator results for http://typhlophile.com/Bonjour, Je m'excuse de venir vous importuner, mais je suis à vérifier la validité de ma feuille de style et on me dit comme par le passer qu'elle est conforme mais maintenant on me donne un message d'avertissement que je ne comprend pas trop. Comme je ne vois rien, je suis aveugle, j'aimerais comprendre et s'il vous était possible de me fournir un exemple de ce que je dois faire, je pourrais apporter les changement. Je vous remercie de votre collaboration. Voici le code que vous me retourné. il y en a un certain nombre de lignes comme ça. Avertissements URI : http://typhlophile.com/data/typhlophile.css Line : 8 font-family: Vous êtes encouragés à proposer une famille générique comme dernier choix Line : 11 font-family: Vous êtes encouragés à proposer une famille générique comme dernier choix .... Merci encore. Émile Ouellet W3C CSS Validator Results for http://typhlophile.com/ Congratulations! This document validates as CSS! To show your readers that you've taken the care to create an interoperable Web page, you may display this icon on any page that validates. Here is the HTML you could use to add this icon to your Web page: <p> <a href="http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/"> <img style="border:0;width:88px;height:31px" src="http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/images/vcss" alt="Valid CSS!"> </a> </p> If you like, you can download a copy of this image to keep in your local web directory, and change the HTML fragment above to reference your local image rather than the one on this server. If you would like to create a link to this page (i.e., this validation result) to make it easier to re-validate this page in the future or to allow others to validate your page, the URI is: http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/validator?uri=http://typhlophile.com/ or http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/check/referer (for HTML/XML document only) (Or, you can just add the current page to your bookmarks or hotlist.) To work as intended, your CSS style sheet needs a correct document parse tree. This means you should use valid HTML. Warnings URI : http://typhlophile.com/data/typhlophile.css a.. Line : 8 font-family: You are encouraged to offer a generic family as a last alternative b.. Line : 11 font-family: You are encouraged to offer a generic family as a last alternative c.. Line : 13 font-family: You are encouraged to offer a generic family as a last alternative d.. Line : 15 font-family: You are encouraged to offer a generic family as a last alternative e.. Line : 17 font-family: You are encouraged to offer a generic family as a last alternative f.. Line : 18 font-family: You are encouraged to offer a generic family as a last alternative g.. Line : 19 font-family: You are encouraged to offer a generic family as a last alternative h.. Line : 21 font-family: You are encouraged to offer a generic family as a last alternative i.. Line : 22 font-family: You are encouraged to offer a generic family as a last alternative j.. Line : 25 font-family: You are encouraged to offer a generic family as a last alternative k.. Line : 33 font-family: You are encouraged to offer a generic family as a last alternative l.. Line : 34 font-family: You are encouraged to offer a generic family as a last alternative m.. Line : 35 font-family: You are encouraged to offer a generic family as a last alternative n.. Line : 36 font-family: You are encouraged to offer a generic family as a last alternative o.. Line : 38 font-family: You are encouraged to offer a generic family as a last alternative p.. Line : 40 font-family: You are encouraged to offer a generic family as a last alternative q.. Line : 43 font-family: You are encouraged to offer a generic family as a last alternative r.. Line : 47 font-family: You are encouraged to offer a generic family as a last alternative s.. Line : 52 font-family: You are encouraged to offer a generic family as a last alternative t.. Line : 54 font-family: You are encouraged to offer a generic family as a last alternative Valid CSS informations a.. .f1 { a.. background-color : #f00; } b.. .f1 { a.. color : yellow; } c.. .f1 { a.. font : large arial black, arial, helvetica; } d.. .f2 { a.. background-color : #f00; } e.. .f2 { a.. color : #0089ab; } f.. .f2 { a.. font : x-large arial; } g.. .p1 { a.. text-align : center; } h.. .p1 { a.. font : medium arial; } i.. .p2 { a.. text-align : center; } j.. .p2 { a.. font : bold 90% arial; } k.. .titre1 , .titre2 , .titre3 { a.. text-align : center; } l.. .titre1 { a.. font : bold 175% ARIAL; } m.. .titre2 { a.. font : bold 140% ARIAL; } n.. .titre3 { a.. font : 125% ARIAL; } o.. ADDRESS { a.. text-align : center; } p.. ADDRESS { a.. font : bold 90% arial; } q.. BLOCKQUOTE { a.. font : italic small arial; } r.. BLOCKQUOTE { a.. margin-left : 8%; } s.. BLOCKQUOTE { a.. margin-right : 8%; } t.. DIR { a.. font : italic small arial; } u.. DIR { a.. margin-left : 8%; } v.. DIR { a.. margin-right : 8%; } w.. DIV { a.. text-align : center; } x.. DIV { a.. margin-left : 5%; } y.. DIV { a.. margin-right : 5%; } z.. h1 { a.. text-align : center; } aa.. h2 , h3 , h4 , h5 , h6 { a.. text-align : left; } ab.. h1 { a.. font : bold 200% arial; } ac.. h2 { a.. font : bold 175% arial; } ad.. h3 { a.. font : 150% arial; } ae.. h4 { a.. font : bold 120% arial; } af.. H4 { a.. margin-left : 10%; } ag.. h5 { a.. font : italic 120% arial; } ah.. H5 { a.. margin-left : 10%; } ai.. h6 { a.. font : small-caps 120% arial; } aj.. H6 { a.. margin-left : 10%; } ak.. OL LI { a.. text-align : left; } al.. OL LI { a.. font : small arial; } am.. OL LI { a.. margin-top : 1em; } an.. OL LI { a.. margin-left : 5%; } ao.. P { a.. text-align : justify; } ap.. P { a.. font : medium arial; } aq.. P { a.. margin-left : 5%; } ar.. P { a.. margin-right : 5%; } as.. PRE { a.. text-align : justify; } at.. PRE { a.. font : medium courier new, courier, monaco, monospace; } au.. TD { a.. font : medium arial; } av.. UL LI { a.. text-align : left; } aw.. UL LI { a.. font : small arial; } ax.. UL LI { a.. margin-top : 0; } ay.. UL LI { a.. margin-left : 5%; } ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- Philippe Le Hégaret & Sijtsche de Jong Last Updated : Thu Jun 07 14:56:03 CEST 2001
Received on Thursday, 7 June 2001 09:04:40 UTC