Your Web Site is Not Responding

There appears to be a problem in reaching your Web site at

   Time of Error: 2001-07-28 07:17:44
   Error Type:  Time Out

InternetSeer, a Web site monitoring company, is conducting an
ongoing study of the true connectivity of the Web. As recommended
by the Robots Guidelines, this email is being sent to explain our
research activities and to let you know about the difficulty in
connecting to your site.

If you would like InternetSeer to continue to alert you at no charge
whenever there is a problem reaching your Web site, click here:

InternetSeer does not store or publish the content of your pages,
but rather uses availability and link information for our research.

Click here to learn more about InternetSeer.

Adam Brett
Survey Manager

Note: If you prefer not to receive these occasional alerts regarding
the availability of your Web site, reply to this email with Cancel
in the subject line. Please leave a full copy of this message in the
body of your reply email.

Received on Saturday, 28 July 2001 07:18:20 UTC