Re: Organizations in Markup Languages for Television

A substantive extract of the letter is attached to this email in HTML format.

Apologies to anyone who could not read the original Word97 attachment, but 
it is difficult to write traditional letters in HTML, at least with the 
authoring tools I have....


At 02:54 PM 4/24/00 +0900, Martin J. Duerst wrote:
>Hello Michael,
>Could you please make sure your document is in HTML, instead of
>Word, or just send it as plain text? Otherwise, some people
>won't be able to read it.
>Regards,   Martin.
>At 00/04/21 15:07 -0700, Michael A. Dolan wrote:
>>Attached is a short overview of the organizations involved in developing 
>>markup languages and web technology as they apply to the television market.
>>I hope you will find this is interesting and relevant to W3C.  Please let 
>>me know if you have any questions.
>>         Mike
>>Michael A. Dolan, Representing DIRECTV,  (619)445-9070
>>PO Box 1673 Alpine, CA 91903        FAX: (619)445-6122
Michael A. Dolan, Representing DIRECTV,  (619)445-9070
PO Box 1673 Alpine, CA 91903        FAX: (619)445-6122

Received on Thursday, 27 April 2000 15:46:07 UTC