Re: Discussion of tv-related URI schemes

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I would like to offer the following white paper as a framework for 
discussion of TV URI's in general:

I have not updated it since Feb, so the links to the I-D's are broken 
- - sorry, but one of them is below.

Also, I wish to point out that the IETF I-D by Dan and Mark 
referenced below is in fact intended to be the same as the ATVEF tv: 
scheme.  And, tv: is unrelated to the ATVEF lid: scheme (noted below 
as the uhttp scheme).

And, while the DAVIC scheme (dsmcc:) is tv-related and useful, it is 
(DVB) transport-dependent, and thus difficult to relate in context to 
transport-independent schemes, such as the rest of these.

Hopefully the paper above will make some of this clearer.


At 10:35 AM 8/25/99 +0200, Philipp Hoschka wrote:
>We have received a request by representatives of the IETF/IESG/IAB 
>that this list should be used to discuss the merits of a recent 
>Internet draft proposing a tv-related URI scheme.
>This makes sense, since discussions about TV URI schemes is one 
>of the goals of this interest group.
>I would thus encourage everyone to use this list for discussing
>of the respective Internet Draft. Note that this does not mean
>that there will be a W3C recommendation on tv-related URIs, but
>that this list is a place to talk about registering tv-related
>URIs with the IETF. Again, this is inline with the goals stated
>in the charter of the TVWeb IG:
>"tv" URL-scheme 
>   A new URL scheme is needed to address content that is broadcast 
>   in a TV channel. 
>   Deliverable: Document on "tv" URL-scheme 
>   This requires to study and, potentially, harmonize existing 
>   proposals for tv-related URLs, such as the following: 
>       Dan Zigmond. "Uniform Resource Locators for Television
>       tv-url in ATVEF specification 
>       uhttp-url in ATVEF specification 
>       DAVIC 1.3 DVB URL 
>   The review must take the results URL registration Working Group 
>   in the IETF of the into account. The idea is to review the
>existing    approaches within the W3C TV IG, after which they will 
>   to the IETF, in order to    become standards-tracks RFCs, similar 

>   to other URL schemes (mailto:, ...). 
>   Conditions: 
>     1.For the W3C TV IG to take on this issue, the organisations or 

>       authors currently of tv-related URL specifications must make 
>       at least a request that they should be reviewed by the W3C, 
>       and preferably submit them as documents. 
>     2.Minimal Membership Commitment: Two authors for the document 
>       must sign up. 
>-Philipp Hoschka, W3C
>Chair TVWeb Interest Group
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Michael A. Dolan, Representing DIRECTV,  (619)445-9070   
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Received on Wednesday, 25 August 1999 11:27:27 UTC