Re: ATVEF uri


Noone in TV-land is trying to characterize IE and Netscape behavior.  The
issue is that DOM1 is too much, and there is a need for something less.

We can call it DOM0v2, or DOM0.5, or DOM-TV-0

DOM-TV-0 may never be used on the Internet, but that doesn't make it any
less fruitful to pursue...


At 08:39 AM 2/23/99 -0800, Rob Glidden wrote:
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Michael A. Dolan <>
>To: Philipp Hoschka <>
>Cc: <>; Ted Wugofski <>
>Date: Sunday, February 21, 1999 3:07 PM
>Subject: Re: ATVEF uri
>>Excellent question.  I am pushing ATVEF that this be addressed as part of
>>an overall standardization effort of all the items in the spec.
>>Any help W3C would like to offer on this topic (pointer to the old DOM0
>>document that was previously there at W3C, or other legacy DOM0 work) to
>>help us define it would be greatly appreciated.
>My interpretation of "DOM0" was that it was simply a reference to the
>"unspecified situation before DOM", much like "DHTML" was a reference to an
>unspecified collection of various features from various vendors.
>So "DOM0, version 2" seems like an unfruitful pursuit.
>> Mike
>>At 06:22 PM 2/21/99 +0100, Philipp Hoschka wrote:
>>>the new ATVEF 1.1 spec (dated 2 Feb) is at
>>>one question: the ATVEF spec says:
>>>Mandatory support is required for the following standard
>>>- DOM 0
>>>The W3C DOM rec states
>>>"The term "DOM Level 0" refers to a mix (not formally specified)
>>>of HTML document functionalities offered by Netscape
>>>Navigator version 3.0 and Microsoft Internet Explorer version 3.0.
>>>In some cases, attributes or methods have been
>>>included for reasons of backward compatibility with "DOM Level 0"."
>>>Given that DOM level 0 is not formally specified, how can one
>>>test whether it is supported in ATVEF ?
>>>On 15/02/1999, Ted Wugofski <>  wrote:
>>>>You might want to look at the latest ATVEF specification (1.1), which
>>>>provides a new and improved URI system.  Off the top of my head, the URL
>>>>Ted Wugofski         voice: +1 817 285 1853
>>>>Gateway              fax:   +1 817 285 9567
>>Michael A. Dolan, Representing DIRECTV,  (619)445-9070
>>PO Box 1673 Alpine, CA 91903        FAX: (619)445-6122
Michael A. Dolan, Representing DIRECTV,  (619)445-9070   
PO Box 1673 Alpine, CA 91903        FAX: (619)445-6122

Received on Monday, 22 February 1999 12:02:39 UTC