"modularised XTML" draft available

This should interest the members of this Interest Group:




Over the last couple of years, many specialized markets have begun
   looking to HTML as a content language. There is a great movement
   toward using HTML across increasingly diverse computing platforms.
   Currently there is activity to move HTML onto mobile devices (handheld
   computers, portable phones, etc.), television devices (digital
   televisions, tv-based web browsers, etc.), and appliances (fixed
   function devices). Each of these devices has different requirements
   and constraints.
   Modularizing XHTML provides a means for product designers to specify
   which elements are supported by a device using standard building
   blocks and standard methods for specifying which building blocks are
   used. These modules serve as "points of conformance" for the content
   community. The content community can now target the installed base
   that supports a certain collection of modules, rather than worry about
   the installed base that supports this permutation of XHTML elements or
   that permutation of XHTML elements. The use of standards is critical
   for modularized XHTML to be successful on a large scale. It is not
   economically feasible for content developers to tailor content to each
   and every permutation of XHTML elements. By specifying a standard,
   either software processes can autonomously tailor content to a device,
   or the device can automatically load the software required to process
   a module.


Received on Wednesday, 7 April 1999 05:52:42 UTC