AIC Architecture 0.2

I just read the working Draft.
There is a lot of sense in it. Sense about topis discussed in and
How will this be bridged ?
I think all of the topics dicussed are of relevance to and  (e.g semantic of time).

What is the exact meaning of 7. Conformance ?

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von:	AVARO Olivier []
Gesendet am:	Montag, 26. Oktober 1998 20:35
Betreff:	AICI: AIC Architecture 0.2

Dear all, 

I made a first pass on the AIC Specifications. All the decisions we made
in Absecon are recorded there. Please give me some feed back if you
discover some inadequacies.

It's a skeleton and we need now to do real work to put some flesh in it
!! The names are here, so we will know whom to blame :-)
The december deadline is going to come VERY quickly. Therefore feel free
to post messages to refine/clarify/document the design on any of the
section. I will integrate them when a consensus is reached.

See you,

Kind regards,


Received on Monday, 26 October 1998 13:30:48 UTC