Slides available

Dear Colleagues,

as promised, please find the slides of my talk about the SmartHome
scenario and the TV applications at

I guess that Philipp will ask the others to provide something similar. 
Please excuse the german language navigation aid in the text :-)

Philipp, can you also say a word about the future of the *tv*
maillists? Do they merge or disappear? I have send this message earlier
to tv-participants, but this list is already gone, right? (Sorry for
double transmission in case it still works).

Let me take the opportunity to thank W3C for hosting the workshop. I
think it was another relevant step to bring the TV and Web community
together. It was a pleasure to be there and to have the chance to listen
and to talk (and to have some fun :-)  I am looking forward to further
action in this arena.

- Klaus
GMD FOKUS    German National Research Center for Information Technology
Klaus Hofrichter    Kaiserin-Augusta-Allee 31  D-10589 Berlin   Germany
P: +49 30 3463 7211  Fx -8211  There is a reexamination, but no reparty

Received on Wednesday, 1 July 1998 09:17:20 UTC