Re: HTML+SMIL handles text well

Patrick Schmitz wrote:
> Hi Jose, Masahiko -
>> > Masahiko Kaneko wrote:
>>>XHTML+SMIL is one of the profiles supported by SMIL 2. If Timed Text is
>>>designed to work in a modular way with SMIL 2 then it could easily be
>>>added to XHTML+SMIL in the same way.
>>>Probably you don't want to have to define a new text definition markup
>>>language, but rather leverage HTML/XHTML.
>>Don't know if they leverage XHTML+SMIL they would have to support all of
>>the features of the chosen modules or if the Timed-text WG could just
>>pick the features out of the certain modules from XHTML+SMIL when
>>creating a new language.
>>An updated overview of the latest XHTML+SMIL profile:
> /index.htm
> The point of the modularizations going on all over is to enable various
> profiles. While I agree that XHTML+SMIL would form a good basis for
> discussion, it should certainly not be taken as is for timed text - there is
> way too much in there that makes no sense at all for timed text, and would
> simply burden implementers as well as authors. I do not think anyone
> reasonable is suggesting this.
>>>By the way, the W3C HTML working group just picked up the charter to
>>>come out with an official XHTML+SMIL profile.
>>When I first read that news, I was excited then I thought for a second,
>>If the HTML WG recommends XHTML+SMIL and it only looks good Microsoft's
>>IE, no more W3C web it'll be MSWeb. You don't want that to happen do you
> :)
> Actually, the important thing about the HTML WG picking this up is that it
> gets onto the Rec track, motivating other vendors who may be on the fence
> about implementing the profile. The longer it languishes as a Note, the more
> it appears to some as (just) a MSFT project. I believe there are several
> vendors that are interested in implementing, but have as a criterion that it
> be a Rec and not a Note.
> Thanks - Patrick
> Patrick Schmitz

Hi Patrick,
I'm not suggesting that Timed-text be a subset of XHTML+SMIL, just that
it would be helpful to study how XHTML+SMIL handles text and to subtract
the appropriate features and even design the structure of the language 


As far as other vendors supporting XHTML+SMIL, that'll be a great day, 
it's very important that there a balance in browser use and right now
it's aready to one sided.

Jose Ramirez

Received on Monday, 9 September 2002 12:14:39 UTC