Re: HTML+SMIL handles text well

 > Masahiko Kaneko wrote:
> Hi,
> XHTML+SMIL is one of the profiles supported by SMIL 2. If Timed Text is
> designed to work in a modular way with SMIL 2 then it could easily be
> added to XHTML+SMIL in the same way.
> Probably you don't want to have to define a new text definition markup
> language, but rather leverage HTML/XHTML.

Don't know if they leverage XHTML+SMIL they would have to support all of 
the features of the chosen modules or if the Timed-text WG could just 
pick the features out of the certain modules from XHTML+SMIL when 
creating a new language.

An updated overview of the latest XHTML+SMIL profile:

> By the way, the W3C HTML working group just picked up the charter to
> come out with an official XHTML+SMIL profile.

When I first read that news, I was excited then I thought for a second,
If the HTML WG recommends XHTML+SMIL and it only looks good Microsoft's 
IE, no more W3C web it'll be MSWeb. You don't want that to happen do you :)

Jose Ramirez

> Current version of XHTML+SMIL:
> Masahiko Kaneko

Received on Monday, 9 September 2002 11:05:10 UTC