Fwd: [mng-list] Possible use of MNG in Digital Cinema

This is a forwarded message
From: McCrossan, Joe <Joe.McCrossan@unistudios.com>
To: "'mng-list@ccrc.wustl.edu'" <mng-list@ccrc.wustl.edu>
Date: Thursday, 14 March, 2002, 00:01:41
Subject: [mng-list] Possible use of MNG in Digital Cinema

===8<==============Original message text===============
Hello All,

My name is Joe McCrossan and I am, among other things, the chairman of the
SMPTE DC28 Subtitle and Caption Adhoc Group.  A little information on the
scope of the SMPTE DC28 group can be found here:

In the DC28 Subtitle and Caption Adhoc Group we are currently considering
the use of a subset of MNG for subtitle/caption streams in upcoming SMPTE
Digital Cinema standards.  The current version of the proposal can be found

I would love to get feedback on the proposal, it is still in a draft stage
so has a long way to go before it ends up in a final form.  If you have any
comments, questions or criticisms please feel free to address them to me.

Best Regards,
Joe McCrossan

Send the message body "help" to mng-list-request@ccrc.wustl.edu

===8<===========End of original message text===========

It might be useful to check for requirements from this group and to
ensure that the tt format can be rendered to an animated raster image
(such as MNG) for their application.

Best regards,
 Chris                            mailto:chris@w3.org

Received on Wednesday, 13 March 2002 18:08:05 UTC