Fwd: Re: [Fwd: Timed Text work]

Philipp thought this note may be of interest to this list.

>Date: Wed, 23 Jan 2002 07:12:25 -0800
>To: Philipp Hoschka <ph@w3.org>
>From: "Michael A. Dolan" <miked@tbt.com>
>Subject: Re: [Fwd: Timed Text work]
>Both Europe and the US have had captioning and teletext standards for 
>television for quite some time.  These are old, binary encodings (and 
>obviously not XML-based).  The US standards are EIA-608 and EIA-708.  The 
>European standards are in ITU documents I believe, but don't recall them 
>off the top of my head (could find them if someone cares).
>DVD captioning systems have yet another format, although I am not aware of 
>the exact standard that covers this or what the encoding is exactly. I 
>know a person closely involved in DVD standards - if someone cares, I 
>could inquire.
>SMPTE DDE-1 can be used for this purpose with its triggers 
>(application/tve-trigger), but is a bit heavy weight for just "timed 
>text".  There were some advanced captioning prototypes developed by WGBH 
>(public television in Boston) that used DDE-1 to do some really 
>interesting captioning applications.
>There are proprietary XML-based solutions in use today by the commercial 
>producers of captioning. As far as I know, they have not published their 
>work, but may do so if encouraged.
>And, the emerging Digital Cinema market is off defining something new and 
>re-inventing captioning for that market.  I have not kept up with their 
>work, but understand it is proceeding in parallel.  I can inquire here as well.
>IETF AVT-WG has had some activity on this topic.  There was an ID 
>(draft-westerlund-avt-rtp-static-media-00.txt), but you should contact the 
>AVT chair for where this activity stands.
>So, the answer is yes, many times now, and it would sure be a shame to 
>create yet another effort.  All these overlap in varying degrees, but the 
>closest direct hit is the XML-based proprietary systems in use by the 
>commercial captioning companies (WGBH Caption Center and SDI Media are two).
>SMPTE D27 would be very interested in this work, so I would like to remain 
>informed in detail of W3C's activity in this area.  Where is this WG 
>organized relative to the reports made in the HTML-CG?
>         Mike
>At 03:13 PM 1/23/2002 +0100, Philipp Hoschka wrote:
>>do you know any existing effort in that area in another standards
>>body ?
>>-PhilippReturn-Path: <www-smil-request@w3.org>
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>>Date: Wed, 16 Jan 2002 10:40:20 +0100
>>Subject: Timed Text work
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>>Hello all,
>>(sorry in advance for the large distribution, but I really feel all the
>>recipient fora are potentially interested)
>>This message to let you know that the WAI technical activity, thru its
>>CG, has created a task force to discuss the creation of a new WG to
>>develop a XML based Timed Text format.
>>TT for short - and for now - is basically a captioning format used to
>>synchronize a text stream with some other timed media, like audio or
>>  <text begin="2s" end="4s">That's him, Dude.</text>
>>  <text begin="6s" end="8s">And a good day to you, sir.</text>
>>    (syntax not binding; missing a bunch of layout/rate controls)
>>The name of the list is
>>   www-tt-tf@w3.org
>>  (initials stand for Public Timed Text Task Force mailing list
>>   and www-tt-tf-request@w3.org is up for auto subscribe)
>>This list is *not* the TT working group list yet (since the WG is not
>>formed yet), so it's not a place to discuss elements and attributes
>>semantics and syntax and start drafting specs.
>>It's a list to scope the work, existing formats, identify core
>>participants (chair, staff contact, content provider, software
>>developers, etc), plan the deliverables, refine the requirements (in
>>particular in the area of reutilisation of existing W3C XML modules of
>>XHTML, SMIL, SVG, etc), come up with a draft charter, identify the W3C
>>domain and activity that could potentially host the WG (as we're more
>>and more convinced it's not just an accessibility item), etc.
>>If you want to know more about it, there's a draft requirement
>>document at
>>   http://www.w3.org/AudioVideo/Group/timetext.html
>>and you can also look at the RealText or the SAMI specs.
>Michael A. Dolan, Chair SMPTE D27 DDE AHG, S22 SID AHG
>619-445-9070 FAX 208-545-6564
>PO Box 1673 Alpine, CA 91903  USA

Received on Wednesday, 23 January 2002 13:06:26 UTC