Re: Timed-text , simple and soon

At 11:24 12/11/2002 -0800, Jose Ramirez wrote:

> >geoff freed wrote:
> >I'm not sure we should just twiddle with RealText and call that our 
> new >format.  I think we can do better than that.
>If RealText had a transparent background and I should have added fade 
>transitions, it would be pretty good.

You can do transparent-background RealText as well as fade (and
other) transitions using SMIL 2.0 in the RealOne Player.  Transparent
backgrounds are not very useful unless you are playing the media on
top of other media, and SMIL is a great way to combine media into a
single presentation.

>But I agree we can do better

Absolutely.  There are a few features of RealText that should not be
included if we want a simple, easy-to-implement format.  There are
other desirable features that we will probably want to include that
are not available in RealText or are difficult to author and/or are
resource-intensive .  A good example is karaoke-style text

         - Erik

>, and the other pieces of a real free Web Multimedia page are high 
>quality, ( (jpeg, png, vorbis) Timed-Text should be too. Maybe not all at 
>version 1.0 though.
>Jose Ramirez
>Web II. Multimedia for all :)

Received on Wednesday, 11 December 2002 15:10:55 UTC