HTML+SMIL handles text well

Hi All,

It's a little to quiet here, this should change that :)

A short piece, demonstrating how well timed text is handled in the 
HTML+SMIL profile, preloads about 1MB and 1:30.00s long (IE 6 required).

Hopefully a simple Timed-text profile that could fit well with
the SMIL 2 profile player could be created.

Features that are quite useful:
-begin and end attribute
-fade transition ( as the above example shows, fading the text allow the
  text to blend with a presentation, otherwise the text would just jump 

  onto the screen and be distraction)
-transparent background
-some HTML elements, p, h1 h2..., br
-text align, left, right, center (like in the above example, the text 

  didn't need to have a exact x y position and align center provided an
  easy solution)
-absolute x y positioning

The most important aspect I think is to keep version 1 as basic as 
possible, so it can be implement soon and finally there can be
multimedia document made with non-proprietary components.

Jose Ramirez
proprietary = temporary

Received on Friday, 9 August 2002 10:52:24 UTC