Re: 302 Found?

> What response code should the server issue to a HEAD request on a 
> directory? NCSA gives "302 Found" which must be from an old version of 
> the spec, because my 3/8/1995 copy says 302 is "Moved Temporarily".  
> Even so, it's nonobvious to me what the response should be.  My best 
> guess is 200 OK.

It's a 302 redirect because NCSA autoredirects directory URLs without
a trailing slash to a URL with a trailing slash to maintain the
integrity of links.

Ari Luotonen
Netscape Communications Corp.
501 East Middlefield Road
Mountain View, CA 94043, USA		Netscape Server Development Team

Received on Monday, 17 April 1995 18:16:06 UTC