Re: Hot Java is here! And it *rocks*

>I'm here to talk  
>about secure downloadable applets, real object oriented programming, and 
>a language that's delivers what we all hoped for from Dylan. It's the 
>most exciting thing to happen to the Web since viola.

If you take a close look at Java, you'll realize that it bears a close
similarity to Viola, since the "applets" must be coded from a predefined
language, downloaded and locally interpreted.  Of course this is another
"monolithic" approach (notice that java takes up 10MB of RAM and about 12 of
disk) that assumes that one can create a single language that all
applications can be crafted from.  API's, (such as the Eolas Weblet(TM)
technology, that allow "applets" to be created using
the most appropriate tools and then embedded in binary form within Web
pages, are much more flexible and powerful.

* Michael D. Doyle, Ph.D.                      email: *
* Chairman and Chief Executive Officer              phone: (510)567-1677 *
* Eolas Technologies Incorporated                     fax: (510)567-1665 *
* 7677 Oakport St., Suite 646                       pager: (800)319-6608 *
* Oakland, CA 94621                                                      * 
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*        Eolas: The Internet Isn't for Passive Browsers Anymore          *

Received on Monday, 27 March 1995 21:10:23 UTC