Re: Running Netscape on top of Spry tcp/ip stack

Steve H Rose <> wrote on Sun, 19 Mar 1995
> Has anyone had any luck running Netscape on top of Spry's tcp/ip stack -- 
> i.e. Internet in a Box?  I haven't been able to get it to work, and am 
> wondering if there is a conflict betwen the two, or a quick fix.
Steve, I can run Netscape on Spry's tcp/ip with no problem. Have you 
checked the .ini file of your Netscape browser? The conflict may be 
there. Just a thought.
Umberto Torresan
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Umberto Torresan                   + "I like to walk among the clouds 
Computer-Assisted Reporting        +  in my underpants." 
Journal and Courier                   Anonymous Italian poet         +
217 North 6th St.                     XX Century                     + 
Lafayette, IN 47901-1448                                         +++++ 
tel 800-456-3223
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Received on Wednesday, 22 March 1995 12:39:24 UTC