Re: In the picture

Hello there.

While the design of my homepage is nothing exciting, what I am using it
for may be of interest.  I offer something called The HTML CyberClass -- a
"virtual class" on HTML and related topics taught over the Internet.  My
homepage both explains The HTML CyberClass and links to an outline which
provides the structure for the actual class.  While the class itself has 
a cost of $150 (and is conducted via a private email list), the outline 
is available as a service to anyone on the WWW interested in learning 
HTML.  The URL is


Steve Habib Rose
Clear Nets
Developer of The HTML CyberClass

On Thu, 2 Mar 1995 wrote:

>      I'm putting together a colour brochure on the benefits of having a 
>      presence on the web.
>      To support the text, I want to show some examples of web sites. I'd 
>      like to capture various interesting home pages. Are there any web 
>      designers out there who would like me to consider including any of 
>      their work (royalty free) ? 
>      Regards
>      Carl Christensen  

Received on Thursday, 2 March 1995 14:15:40 UTC