Re: Origin vs Authority; use of HTTPS (draft-nottingham-site-meta-01)

On Thu, Feb 12, 2009 at 11:38 AM, Breno de Medeiros <> wrote:
> Adam, did you try to create ?

I didn't try, but they already have their favicon there, so I suspect
it wouldn't work.

> You may not consider that a threat by companies do. If they were caught
> distributing illegal images to every browser that navigates to the root of
> their domain, they might be liable to crippling prosecution.

I mean, considering I can upload arbitrary images to my MySpace
profile, I doubt this would cause them much consternation.

> This is a common problem with all well-known-locations. That is why
> host-meta was written in a generic format so that it can be the _last_
> well-known-location. WKLs are evil, but also necessary.

Yeah, as I said in my first email, I think host-meta will be super useful.


Received on Thursday, 12 February 2009 20:31:53 UTC