Caching of images served through httpS

Hello !

A page of mine contains hits to several images. This page itself is loaded through httpS and so are the images inside it because if not,
browser may complain that the page is requesting unsecure items.

Then, the page loads OK  but, I've noticed that all of these images are
not being cached, what causes a lot of hits to my http server.

Is there something I can do, using some sort of http header, in order to instruct the browser to DO cache the images, even if the page itself is not cached ?

Thanks in advance for your support !


                  Jose Adriano Baltieri - Analista de Sistemas
                  DTI - CENTRO - UNIMEP - Universidade Metodista de Piracicaba
                  PIRACICABA - SP - Brasil - Fone : (19) 3124-1858

Received on Tuesday, 21 December 2004 03:22:28 UTC