SGML to XML parser

Hi there!
I am using your SX program to convert SGML to XML.  Using the syntax:
C:\SGML_Parser\SP1_3_4\bin\sx -wall -E0
I have following lines in my DTD (i.e. in FIM.dtd)
<!ENTITY   % ISOtech    PUBLIC  'ISO 8879-1986//ENTITIES   General
Technical//EN'        >
<!ENTITY   % ISOpub     PUBLIC  'ISO 8879-1986//ENTITIES
Publishing//EN'          >
<!ENTITY   % ISOnum     PUBLIC  'ISO 8879-1986//ENTITIES   Numeric and
Special Graphic//EN' >
<!ENTITY   % ISOgrk1    PUBLIC  'ISO 8879-1986//ENTITIES   Greek
Letters//EN'          >
%ISOtech;  %ISOpub;  %ISOnum;  %ISOgrk1;
I am getting following errors.
"C:\SGML_Parser\SP1_3_4\bin\sx:FIM.dtd:69:86:W: cannot generate system
identifier for public text "ISO 8879-1986//ENTITIES General
C:\SGML_Parser\SP1_3_4\bin\sx:FIM.dtd:70:73:W: cannot generate system
identifier for public text "ISO 8879-1986//ENTITIES Publishing//EN"
C:\SGML_Parser\SP1_3_4\bin\sx:FIM.dtd:71:88:W: cannot generate system
identifier for public text "ISO 8879-1986//ENTITIES Numeric and Special
C:\SGML_Parser\SP1_3_4\bin\sx:FIM.dtd:72:84:W: cannot generate system
identifier for public text "ISO 8879-1986//ENTITIES Greek Letters//EN"
C:\SGML_Parser\SP1_3_4\bin\sx:FIM.dtd:73:8:E: reference to entity
"ISOtech" for which no system identifier could be generated
C:\SGML_Parser\SP1_3_4\bin\sx:FIM.dtd:69:0: entity was defined here
C:\SGML_Parser\SP1_3_4\bin\sx:FIM.dtd:73:18:E: reference to entity
"ISOpub" for which no system identifier could be generated
C:\SGML_Parser\SP1_3_4\bin\sx:FIM.dtd:70:0: entity was defined here
C:\SGML_Parser\SP1_3_4\bin\sx:FIM.dtd:73:28:E: reference to entity
"ISOnum" for which no system identifier could be generated
C:\SGML_Parser\SP1_3_4\bin\sx:FIM.dtd:71:0: entity was defined here
C:\SGML_Parser\SP1_3_4\bin\sx:FIM.dtd:73:39:E: reference to entity
"ISOgrk1" for which no system identifier could be generated
C:\SGML_Parser\SP1_3_4\bin\sx:FIM.dtd:72:0: entity was defined here"
Also, I am getting the following errors.
C:\SGML_Parser\SP1_3_4\bin\sx:FIM.sgm:1587:193:E: general entity "nbsp"
not defined and no default entity
C:\SGML_Parser\SP1_3_4\bin\sx:FIM.sgm:1678:79:E: general entity "ldquo"
not defined and no default entity
C:\SGML_Parser\SP1_3_4\bin\sx:FIM.sgm:1678:94:E: general entity "rdquo"
not defined and no default entity
C:\SGML_Parser\SP1_3_4\bin\sx:FIM.sgm:2190:32:E: general entity "lt" not
defined and no default entity
C:\SGML_Parser\SP1_3_4\bin\sx:FIM.sgm:2710:45:E: general entity "deg"
not defined and no default entity
C:\SGML_Parser\SP1_3_4\bin\sx:FIM.sgm:3330:22:E: general entity "plusmn"
not defined and no default entity
C:\SGML_Parser\SP1_3_4\bin\sx:FIM.sgm:26377:84:E: general entity "rsquo"
not defined and no default entity
C:\SGML_Parser\SP1_3_4\bin\sx:FIM.sgm:33716:69:E: general entity "amp"
not defined and no default entity
C:\SGML_Parser\SP1_3_4\bin\sx:FIM.sgm:33772:71:E: general entity "ohm"
not defined and no default entity
C:\SGML_Parser\SP1_3_4\bin\sx:FIM.sgm:48871:28:E: general entity "gt"
not defined and no default entity
C:\SGML_Parser\SP1_3_4\bin\sx:FIM.sgm:49129:29:E: general entity "lcub"
not defined and no default entity
C:\SGML_Parser\SP1_3_4\bin\sx:FIM.sgm:49129:58:E: general entity "rcub"
not defined and no default entity
C:\SGML_Parser\SP1_3_4\bin\sx:FIM.sgm:49134:76:E: general entity "ndash"
not defined and no default entity
C:\SGML_Parser\SP1_3_4\bin\sx:FIM.sgm:50435:85:E: general entity "sim"
not defined and no default entity
C:\SGML_Parser\SP1_3_4\bin\sx:FIM.sgm:52357:146:E: general entity
"thinsp" not defined and no default entity
C:\SGML_Parser\SP1_3_4\bin\sx:FIM.sgm:57867:322:E: general entity
"rsquor" not defined and no default entity
C:\SGML_Parser\SP1_3_4\bin\sx:FIM.sgm:63413:73:E: general entity "darr"
not defined and no default entity
C:\SGML_Parser\SP1_3_4\bin\sx:FIM.sgm:63422:73:E: general entity "uarr"
not defined and no default entity
C:\SGML_Parser\SP1_3_4\bin\sx:FIM.sgm:110310:212:E: general entity
"lsquo" not defined and no default entity
C:\SGML_Parser\SP1_3_4\bin\sx:FIM.sgm:114483:70:E: general entity
"blank" not defined and no default entity
It seems that I am missing some obvious things to be included or I am
totally in sane. This seems that most of these entities are defined in
files in pubtext directory but I am not able to connect to them. Neither
setting -ccatalog_file switch in command line worked nor the setting
environment variable SGML_CATALOG_FILES. Even setting the environment
variable SGML_SEARCH_PATH. Tried creating a catalog file in the
directory where SP is intalled and having different entries saying
"CATALOG "<SGMLInstallDir>/pubtext/html4.soc"  did not help to resolve
some of these references.
I will really appreciate your help on this issue as I am stuck for days
on this issue now. Thank you.

Received on Tuesday, 20 May 2003 18:24:17 UTC