Re: comments? mirrors.txt

The only thing that I don't like about this is that normal HTTP 
mirroring is very insecure.

Our work with the "Content-Addressable Web" uses secure checksums and 
some HTTP extensions to provide an alternate way of solving the mirror 
problem.  Our paper on "HTTP Extensions for a Content-Addressable Web" 
can be found at 

You may also be interested in its companion specification, "The Tree 
Hash EXchange format (THEX)" at 

We also have a very basic XML-RPC protocol for lease-based mirror 
advertisement at (

Also, there is a functioning Content-Addressable Web header proxy that 
you can feel free to play around with.  Its currently used for the Open 
Content Network and can be used as follows:

bash$ HEAD

200 OK
Date: Sat, 18 Jan 2003 00:15:05 GMT
Accept-Ranges: bytes
Server: TornadoGateway/1.0 (; i386; Linux)
Content-Length: 78691253
Content-MD5: 84lI1a9IFPJq7jb3YG3m9Q==
Content-Type: audio/shn
ETag: "3360009-4b0bbb5-3d8b447e"
Last-Modified: Fri, 20 Sep 2002 15:53:34 GMT
Client-Date: Mon, 31 Mar 2003 18:50:22 GMT

Andre John Mas wrote:
> Hi,
> Mirroring a web site or ftp site is a great way of reducing load
> and improving access times. The only thing though is that there is
> no method for telling a web browser to automatically go to a mirror.
> For this reason I have been thinking that a 'mirrors.txt' file might
> be of use at the root of a web site that is either the master or a
> mirror, in the same way that a robot.txt file is made available.
> Follows is an example of what the contents of such a file would contain:
> ----start of example
> #this is a comment
> title:   Project Gutenberg
> description: Project Gutenberg is the Internet's oldest producer of FREE
>   electronic books (eBooks or eTexts).
> master:
> search:  master
> University of North Carolina - HTTP
> Chapel Hill
> mirror.state: North Carolina
> mirror.gridref:
> mirror.url:
> mirror.update.freq: daily
> mirror.comment: Main Project Gutenberg Collection Site
> University of North Carolina - FTP
> Chapel Hill
> mirror.state: North Carolina
> mirror.gridref: 0/+1000,-1000
> mirror.url:
> mirror.update.freq: daily
> mirror.comment: Main Project Gutenberg FTP Site -- If it doesn't allow
>   access, please try the corresponding HTTP site above
> ----end of example
> Most of the fields should be self explaining, though for the less
> obvious:
>  - search: values would be mirror or master. This is important if
>    only the master offers a search facility
>  - mirror.gridref: the grid coordinates of the mirror. The slash
>    is there for a future use, such as defining planet ID as prefix.
>    The grid ref would always be the last child. I know this is
>    overkill, and probably no one will take this seriously, but I
>    would like to make this future proof, if there is no extra cost.
>  - mirror.update.freq: how oftern the mirror is updated (should this
>    be a numerical, textual value or both?)
> Some sites mirror several others, so the site would probably need more
> than one mirror file. Two suggestions are to have the additional mirror
> files have a numeric suffix, e.g. mirrors.txt, mirrors2.txt, etc. or
> to have a mirrors.txt file that refers to the other mirror.txt files.
> Also, search engines, such as Google, could make use of this information
> to tie together mirrors under one link, to make for smarter navigation.
> Something such as:
>   Project Gutenberg is the Internet's oldest producer of FREE
>   electronic books (eBooks or eTexts).
> - 18k - Master - Closest Mirror - Other Mirrors
> This is a first jab at something that could well be of use, so I would
> certainly appreciate your comments and whether this is something that
> could be added as a web standard?
> regards
> Andre
> P.S. I am not associated with Project Gutenberg, I am just using it as
> a useful example of real site that could benefit from such a solution.

Justin Chapweske, Onion Networks

Received on Monday, 31 March 2003 13:56:40 UTC