Re: Semantic Document Framework(s)

Sean B. Palmer <> wrote:

> 1. Type in your text.
> 2. Tell the editor it's a weather statement.
> 3. The editor puts in the correct namespace, and marks up the text
>    accordingly.
> 4. Publish your document.
> 5. Document in viewable in HTML browsers, and serves a purpoe on the SW.
> Could somebody please write me an editor like that? I'd pay good money!

I bet -- looks like an AI-complete problem to me, at least for the general
case. Specific cases could be done with really complex heuristics, but
that'd be rather hairy. I'd love for this to work, but all I see you doing
is offloading the English parsing to the writer, rather than the reader. You
still need the software to parse the English. That's going to be really hard
to do, except in perhaps really specific cases. Certainly, it'll be a lot
harder to write than your average HTML editor!

[ Aaron Swartz | | ]

Received on Thursday, 9 November 2000 15:13:54 UTC