Re: HTTP RFC 2616 Question

Dean Cron writes:
> In section 5.1 of RFC 2616 (
> <> ), the line
> for an HTTP PUT command specifies that HTTP/1.1 be appended to the end of
> the command. Would a web server platform that does not support the
> HTTP-version append be out of compliance with the RFC, or is this an
> optional command for older web server platforms?

To summarize your questions:

1.  If a web server does not support HTTP/1.1, is it non-compliant
    with the HTTP/1.1 spec?

Yes.  HTTP/1.0 web servers are non-compliant with the HTTP/1.1 spec.
However, the interaction between HTTP/1.1 clients and HTTP/1.0 servers
should be graceful.

2.  Is the PUT method not valid in older versions of HTTP?

PUT is valid in HTTP/1.0.  It probably is not valid in HTTP/0.9.

3.  Is the PUT method optional in HTTP/1.0?

The implementation of PUT is optional in HTTP/1.0.  It is
also optional in HTTP/1.1.


Received on Wednesday, 9 February 2000 15:51:42 UTC