Re: Persistent connections - timeout policies -Forwarded

>What are the favoured policies for implementing server side close of
>persistent connections?
>It seems to me that there are 2 options:

>1. The clean up after pipeline method   ....
>2. the timeout method ....
>It seems that with tiemout it is not possible to cleanly close the

Given that one might expect a major use of a maintained connection to be
retrieval of inlined images, and since the user-agent has to parse the 
html document before knowing what images to request, it seems that the
"pipeline" method is less useful (although a second connection, with
multiple requests for various images could be used..)

>If a timeout system is used should the server send a response and
>Connection: close header before it closes the connection?
>Even though there might not be a request to respond to?
That strikes me as unnecessary. a maintain-connection capable browser
should be smart enough to know when to give up, but may not be smart
enough to know what to do with a unsolicited response.

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Received on Saturday, 29 May 1999 19:00:17 UTC