www-talk from May to June 1992 by subject
Starting: Wed 13 May 1992 - 00:00:-26468 EDT
Ending: Tue 30 Jun 1992 - 00:00:-36547 EDT
Messages: 72
- (no subject)
- <ISINDEX> and anchor types
- add me to mailing list
- file: access does not use RCP?
- HTML -> Postscript? Text?
- HTML and bitmaps
- HTML DTD and related problems (rather long)
- HTML is not SMGL
- HTML terseness/verbosity
- Hypertext editor
- IETF BOF on Universal Document Identifiers
- Installation of viola
- Just a question
- Line mdeo browser Q & A
- Links and Type
- Links that refer to a range of text, not just a point.
- Links, Type and Documents (Third time's a charm)
- Links, Types and Documents
- Links, Types and Documents (Third time's a charm)
- Links, Types and Documents)
- Mailing list problems
- Making a simple file server for unix
- MIME as a hypertext architecture
- MIME for global hypertext
- overkill on portability macros
- Paper on use of W3, anyone? NSC-92 Pisa
- PISA conference: paper deadline extended
- Program Links in WWW
- Raisch's Attention link
- revised MIME architecture
- search engines & views
- SGML Converters
- using NOTATIONs inline
- Virtual newsgroups and creating the memory of Usenet via www and wais
- World Wide Web and Viola
- WWW (Viola) question
- www line mode browser
- www on hp3/800 at HP
- WWW vs DynaText
- your WWW questions
Last message date: Tue 30 Jun 1992 - 00:00:-36547 EDT
Archived on: Wed Jul 08 1998 - 10:08:20 EDT
This archive was generated by DEISS/hypermail.